Broadcasting FAQs
Frequently asked questions about creating and publishing Airshot Broadcasts.
Why can't I publish my Broadcast?
If you have a campaign type Broadcast, there are a few things you need to setup before you publish:
Complete the overview section (add at least a featured image and a description)
Select at least 1 group that will be invited
Add at least 1 activity to the activity feed
Completing these three steps will change the Broadcast state from "Draft" to "Ready to Publish". You can then select "Broadcast" from the top menu and select "Publish Broadcast". Alternatively, you can change your current Broadcast to an audience, invite a group and skip the other steps.
Campaign or Audience?
A Campaign Broadcast is ideal if you want to run a campaign with an end date. You should use this type if you want your participants to earn rewards at the end of the campaign.
An Audience Broadcast is ideal if you want to continuously communicate with and broadcast to your audience.
The main differences between campaign and an audience Broadcasts are:
You can only create a Broadcast overview for a campaign. Audience Broadcasts don't have an overview as you will be continuously broadcasting activities and/or analytics.
Campaign invites are only sent when you publish the campaign. Audience invites are sent immediately.
Campaign Broadcasts require you to select an end date. Audience Broadcasts only end when you manually end the Broadcast.
What are the character limits?
144 characters for notifications and 255 characters for other activities.
Participants not joining?
When a Broadcast is published, the expecation is for everyone to jump aboard by accepting the invite and activating their account.
It is recommended to communicate with participants via a trusted channel before sending Airshot invites, as users may not trust an email address they don't recognise, and this could lead to slow uptake.
How are users notified?
When a participant is invited to Airshot for the first time and proceeds to activate their account, they will receive a welcome email. After that (even if a participant is removed from a campaign), they will only receive a push notification and/or SMS when they are invited to another Broadcast.
In a nutshell: Once a user activates their Airshot account, they should be using their app to check and confirm Broadcast invites, and can rely on push and SMS notifications - no email.
Last updated